What It’s All About…

It’s been a rough week.  Yeah, I know it’s only Tuesday, but sometimes, that’s how it goes, you know?  Yet even when other “issues” weigh me down, the TEACHING part of teaching is what gives me the greatest joy and satisfaction I’ve ever known.

While watching Education Nation this past Sunday, I heard something I’ve always believed at my very core:  Teaching is a calling.  When I am in the classroom with my students, I feel with every part of my being that I am where I am intended to be.

Today was a perfect example.  I was up late last night, with more than one reason to feel frustrated and discouraged.  Although I was plenty tired, the anxiety kept me from sleeping well.  I walked into school in the pouring rain, my shoes completely soaked, only to find I’d left my car lights on.  Really?!?  To say the least, my mood was somewhat less than positive.

But there is something about the anticipation on those young faces, and although I can’t really comprehend it, the genuine joy they seem to have to see me each morning…  Who could be grumpy??  Twenty beautiful children came into my room, settled into their morning routine, and gave me faith that there was still good in the world.  You know, maybe I just love teaching because it’s SUCH an ego trip…  There’s nothing like feeling so loved and needed by a whole room of adorable faces each day.  I’m renewed by their enthusiasm and humbled by their intuitive questions – “Mrs. Grayson, if leaves have broad surfaces with holes to take in sunlight and oxygen, how do pine trees do it with those skinny needles?”

The day was going well, but it was still raining…  Even though we had an amazing moment where we turned off the lights, opened the window, and closed our eyes to listen to the rain storm, let’s face it — there is nothing like indoor recess to put a damper (pun intended) on your day.   Trying to keep 20 restless 8 and 9 year olds relatively quiet and engaged in a space too small for them is not my idea of a good time.

Once again, I was blown away.  Before I knew it, my class had settled into small groups – one using connecting cubes to spell names, one building beautiful designs with pattern blocks, and yet another stacking dominoes (and not fighting when someone accidentally set the falling dominoes in motion too soon!).  A group was making up their own card game, while another worked on drawing pictures to tell a story.  Utopia??  Quite possibly.

In the quick realization that this might NEVER happen again, I ran for my camera to capture the moment – 

A loving, laughing, learning classroom – When I’m there, nothing else matters.

4 thoughts on “What It’s All About…

  1. Patti, you are a blessing to your students! I can picture y’all listening to the rain. What a wonderful day!

  2. I agree that teaching is a calling. We have to be called into this work because the pressure is too great and we’d all get out of the field if it were about money or perks! I think you are right on, we (educators) do have big egos because most of us know that what we do every day impacts the lives of others for a lifetime. Not many other professions can say that.

  3. What a blessing you are to your students…and they to you. You are so right about teaching being calling…only a teacher can appreciate the joy that comes from that spark that students will get when they “get it”.

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